Bear Hope!

Disha Gupta
1 min readJun 17, 2022

A bear called Hope
Born just a while ago
In the bearless jungles with green slope
It filled a void with renewed hope!

Look at me, what I can do
Stand on my twos, walk on my fours
To some am a baby brown beast
And some a cuddly sleepy snore!

What a marvel, yet so shy
Will take our jungle skyrocket high!
Run with us, you baby bear
To a place where you find speed and fun
Said the bulls, all and one!

A bull I am, that’s my goal
I want speed, I want control!
Said the baby bear and ran so fast
With shaky legs and a wobbly start!
Newformed muscles cried and ached
Bear and Bulls — no heed paid!

My my look at them, said the man
Bear is the bull, an addition to the clan
But the bear was tired, sweaty and weak
Still so little, with flush baby cheek!
And then it happened, the baby crashed
The man sneered, the bulls left
All hope suddenly smashed!

I am me, not a bull, not a man
With my own story, with my own plan!
Give me time, patience and faith
And I will show you what I can create!

And so did the bear rise
With determination, happy and wise!
In a way the baby had grown
Into its true nature, into its own!
Each stride was slow but steady
The man said — Not just an addition
But a new world is ready!

